The Irish Women Workers Union

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Further information

Links and Articles

Irish feminism didn’t spring from nowhere in 1970. Margaret MacCurtain, who pioneered the study of Irish women’s history, recalls the struggles of the past. Read more here –

Pioneer Postcards- which honours the contribution made by working
women, North and South – Click here to view

Theresa Moriarty’s history of the development of International Women’s Day, first published by SIPTU in 2008:

The campaign to have Marlborough St Bridge named after IWWU activist Rosie Hackett:

Further reading

Mary Jones, These obstreperous lassies
– History of the IWWU

Donal Nevin, Lion of the Fold
– IWWU features heavily in few of the chapters

Francis Devine, Organising History
– complete history of itgwu/wui/iwwu/siptu

Francis Devine, Organising the Union

Ann Matthews: Irish Republican Women 1920-22 (Mercier Press)

Myrtle Hill: Women In Ireland, A Century of Change (The Blackstaff Press)

Alison Buckley: Let the Girls Come Forth – the Early Feminist Ideology of the IWWU (From Irish Women’s History Edited by Alan Hayes and Diane Urquhart (Irish Academic Press)

Pádraig Yeates: Lockout, Dublin 1913 (Gill and Macmillan)

James Curry: Artist of the Revolution, the Cartoons of Ernest Kavanagh 1884-1916 (Mercier Press)

James Curry: Article on Delia Larkin in Saothar Volume 36 (2011).