Links and Articles
The campaign to have Marlborough St Bridge named after IWWU activist Rosie Hackett:
Further reading
Mary Jones, These obstreperous lassies
– History of the IWWU
Donal Nevin, Lion of the Fold
– IWWU features heavily in few of the chapters
Francis Devine, Organising History
– complete history of itgwu/wui/iwwu/siptu
Francis Devine, Organising the Union
Ann Matthews: Irish Republican Women 1920-22 (Mercier Press)
Myrtle Hill: Women In Ireland, A Century of Change (The Blackstaff Press)
Alison Buckley: Let the Girls Come Forth – the Early Feminist Ideology of the IWWU (From Irish Women’s History Edited by Alan Hayes and Diane Urquhart (Irish Academic Press)
Pádraig Yeates: Lockout, Dublin 1913 (Gill and Macmillan)
James Curry: Artist of the Revolution, the Cartoons of Ernest Kavanagh 1884-1916 (Mercier Press)
James Curry: Article on Delia Larkin in Saothar Volume 36 (2011).